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Waterborne Resin/ leather surface treatment agent

KY-2602G Leather surface agent, excellent gloss, long lasting waxy feel

Product Detail

Features: KY-2602G is a waxy bright surface treatment agent with excellent lustre and lasting waxy feeling after treatment.

Uses: Suitable for PU, PVC, leather surface treatment. Make the finished product lustre and waxy lasting.

蠟感亮面處理劑 KY2602G 真皮表處劑 凱悅


外觀 微黃不透明液體 固含量(%) 23±1 溶劑組成: DMF/MEK/TOL
主要用途 皮革蠟感亮面處理劑 可售賣地 全國 粘度(mPa.s? 25℃): /
型號: KY-2602G 品牌: 凱迅 包裝規(guī)格: 18kg、180kg/桶
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